HCMUD 18 Results of EPA Lead & Copper Inventory

HC MUD 18 has completed the Lead & Copper Inventory as required by the EPA. Through records research and field investigation of the distribution system, it has been determined that the system has no lead service lines or galvanized requiring replacement service lines. The system has been determined as a non-lead community. If you would like a copy of the Lead & Copper Inventory, please submit your request to HAR018@txdistricts.info.

Notes to New Residents

When you move into one of the neighborhoods in our District, you’ll note our water bill often contains suggestions on how you can realize direct savings by using water more effectively. Our common sense suggestions cover 5 main areas of household water use: the Kitchen, Clothes Washing, Bathrooms, Swimming Pools and Landscaping.

Conservation is especially important during hot weather because of increased water use. Outdoor irrigation uses significantly more water during peak daytime hours than household water. And, about 50 percent of the water used on lawns and gardens during the summer can be wasted due to overwatering, irrigation leaks or running during or immediately after rain showers. Please familiarize yourself with your irrigation controls, or have your yard service inspect and repair them seasonally.