Scheduled Spring Line Flushing Begins

Spring and summer months bring on more active biologic activity in our surface water; that is, the water that comes from lakes and rivers. Surface water is supplied by The North Harris County Regional Water Authority – NHCRWA. The water is treated and is safe but can pick up odors and taste variations over time. HCMUD18 uses both manual and automatic hydrant flushing to clear stale water. The water is still safe, just a nuisance in these conditions.

We are announcing a Spring flush to counteract any stale water before warm weather begins.

This is a scheduled, system-wide flush. However please report stale water issues at any time of the year to Eagle Water Management, the District’s Operations Company at 281-374-8989. Please let them know your location and the issues you are encountering. We track localized situations and log data against historic records to better understand the overall system. Eagle will send a crew to check the water near your location and flush those lines.

Check our website: for news like these announced seasonal flushes or other important water news. For water notices delivered to you via email, please give us your email address when you log into the site.

Hunters Valley Back Fence Newsletter and Constable Reports Now Available Online

The Hunters Valley ‘Back Fence’ newsletter with its monthly posting of the Precinct 4 Constables Report for MUD 18’s residents can be found online at the Hunters Valley Facebook page: ‘Hunter’s Valley – Houston Community Forum’

This is a private group. Residents can also sign up with Chaparral Management, the Hunters Valley’s management company, to receive the newsletter as an email.

Additionally, back issues of the Back Fence are available on this website. For those who are not Hunters Valley subdivision residents yet and are looking for the Precinct 4 Constables Reports, they are still available here on the MUD18 website.

Notes to New Residents

When you move into one of the neighborhoods in our District, you’ll note our water bill often contains suggestions on how you can realize direct savings by using water more effectively. Our common sense suggestions cover 5 main areas of household water use: the Kitchen, Clothes Washing, Bathrooms, Swimming Pools and Landscaping.

Conservation is especially important during hot weather because of increased water use. Outdoor irrigation uses significantly more water during peak daytime hours than household water. And, about 50 percent of the water used on lawns and gardens during the summer can be wasted due to overwatering, irrigation leaks or running during or immediately after rain showers. Please familiarize yourself with your irrigation controls, or have your yard service inspect and repair them seasonally.